Michael David de Souza Dutra
Michael David de Souza Dutra, PhD
Brazil France EUA

2014 - Awarded as the best project at the first edition of the "Best Practices" program - Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 3a Regiãao (Federal Labor Court 3rd Region). Project entitled "Holism Project".

2007 - Awarded as the best research and presentation at Production Engineering Week 2007 - Pitagoras College. Paper: Qualidade total e inovação tecnológica: mãos dadas para competir. (Total quality and technological innovation: hand in hand to compete).


2019/5 - 2019/5: GERAD - Doctoral Fellowship Contest for "Conference Fees". Paper: A framework for peak shaving through the coordination of smart homes.

2015/9 - 2019/9: CNPq - Funding for my PhD research project at the École Polytechnique de Montréal: Demand response for smart homes.

2012/9 - 2014/9: CAPES - Scholarship Ciências Sem Fronteiras for an exchange program at the Institut Supérieur d'Informatique, de Modélisation et de leurs Applications (ISIMA).

2011/3 - 2012/3 : FAPEMIG - Funding for the project Minimisation des coûts associés à l'installation de l'isolation et les pertes de chaleur dans les tuyaux industriels.

2011/7 - 2012/3 : FAPEMIG - Funding for the project SimuLES: Un jeu pour Aider l'Enseignement d'Ingénierie du logiciel.

Interviews diffused

Holism: Best project in the first edition of "Best Practices" at the Labor Court of Minas Gerais.